oh but you love the fall, and I fall in love with you...🍁

you love a soothing aubade / in the cracks of golden dawn / i wish to be the first ray of light / to seep through your window / to reflect the shine from your eyes / the first touch on your golden skin / that's when my morning will begin / oh how my heart wants you in simple ways / how i'll do anything to feel you everyday

i'm a moonchild / born in the midnight's swaddle / raise with listening to lullabies of loneliness / now solitary in my heart / and poetry in my pen / i wish to paint the canvas of life / in hues of dream / and my heart wishes / for you to colour me in.

born in early autumn air / you bring safety with your embrace / and you give shades of warmth to the fireplace / you're the only home i want to remember the way back / because anywhere else is just brick walls / but you're my beautiful blue boy / the shade of your love haunts me / yet holds me longer than the stars in the sky

my first breathe were the scent of blossoms / spring days were my first vision / don't have a vivid memory of my younger self / but i'm sure she was full of hope / and braver than me / she was all bambi eyed / innocent dimple smile / the same girl is afraid to hope today as a woman / because she has lost it too many times.


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  2. POV boy likes to be alone:
    Born in the midnight's embrace, I find comfort in the lullabies of loneliness. The canvas of life unfolds before me, and i paint it with the hues of my dreams, content in the company of my own musings.


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